FunctionAdvisor/relate - relate the two given mathematical functions
Calling Sequence
FunctionAdvisor(relate, math_function_1, math_function_2)
literal name; 'relate'
Maple name of first mathematical function
Maple name of second mathematical function
The FunctionAdvisor(relate, math_function_1, math_function_2) command attempts to relate the functions using the internal Maple algorithms. For more information, see convert[to_special_function].
By default, the output has the simpler or more standard function on the left-hand side. This topic is similar to FunctionAdvisor/specialize, which allows you to specify which function is expressed in terms of the other one. This typically requires additional constraints in the function parameter(s) domain(s).
| (1) |
| (2) |
| (3) |
| (4) |
Notice that a relation between KummerU and HermiteH does not exist for arbitrary values of their parameters.
* Partial match of Hermite against topic HermiteH.
Unable to establish a relation between KummerU and HermiteH
| |
However, that relation does exist for a specialization of the function parameters
| (5) |
and also the converse.
| (6) |
The variables used by the FunctionAdvisor command to create the function calling sequences are local variables. Therefore, the previous example does not depend on z.
| (7) |
To make the FunctionAdvisor command return results using global variables, pass the function call itself.
| (8) |
| (9) |
You can view the default hierarchy used when calling the FunctionAdvisor command with the keyword relate as first argument using the following
| (10) |
where functions to the left are selected before functions to the right when constructing the left-hand side of the output.
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