Tensor[RainichElectromagneticField] - from a given metric satisfying the Rainich conditions, calculate an electromagnetic field which solves the Einstein-Maxwell equations
Calling Sequences
g - a metric tensor on a 4-dimensional manifold
R - the Ricci tensor of g
CR - a rank 3 tensor, the covariant derivative of the Ricci tensor
alpha - (optional) 1-form
The electromagnetic field is constructed as follows. First, define
The Rainich electromagnetic field is
The electromagnetic field may have complex values if the metric is not of Lorentz signature.
with(DifferentialGeometry): with(Tensor):
Example 1.
We define a space-time metric and check that the Rainich conditions hold. Then we find the Rainich electromagnetic field.
M >
DGsetup([t, x, y, z], M):
M >
g := evalDG(4/3*t^2* dx &t dx + t*(exp(-2*x)* dy &t dy + exp(2*x)*dz &t dz) - dt &t dt);
| (2.1) |
1. First calling sequences.
M >
| (2.2) |
M >
F := RainichElectromagneticField(g);
| (2.3) |
We can simplify this output with the assuming command.
M >
simplify(F) assuming t::real;
| (2.4) |
Note that because the first calling sequence for either RainichConditions or RainichElectromagneticTensor requires coordinate differentiation (to calculate the Ricci tensor and its covariant derivative), assumptions such as assuming t::real cannot be applied directly to these commands. For this reason and for efficiency, it is better to use the second calling sequences.
2. Second calling sequences. First calculate the Ricci tensor and its covariant derivative.
| (2.5) |
| (2.6) |
M >
CR := CovariantDerivative(R, C);
| (2.7) |
M >
RainichConditions(g, R, CR, alpha);
| (2.8) |
Here is the Rainich electromagnetic field tensor. The constant _C1 reflects the non-uniqueness of theta.
M >
F:= RainichElectromagneticField(g, R, CR, alpha) assuming t::real;
| (2.9) |
We check that the Einstein equations are satisfied (See EinsteinTensor, EnergyMomentumTensor).
M >
T := EnergyMomentumTensor("Electromagnetic", g, F);
| (2.10) |
M >
E := EinsteinTensor(g);
| (2.11) |
| (2.12) |
We check that the Maxwell equations (see MatterFieldEquations)
are satisfied.
M >
MatterFieldEquations("Electromagnetic", g, F);
| (2.13) |
Example 2.
We present an example where the 1-form is non-zero.
M >
DGsetup([t, y, phi, v], M2);
| (2.14) |
M2 >
g2 := evalDG(t^(-2)*(dt &t dt + dy &t dy) + t^2 * dphi &t dphi - (dv + 2*y*dphi) &t (dv + 2*y*dphi));
| (2.15) |
| (2.16) |
M >
C2 := Christoffel(g2);
| (2.17) |
M >
CR2 := CovariantDerivative(R2, C2);
| (2.18) |
M >
RainichConditions(g2, R2, CR2, alpha2) assuming t > 0;
| (2.19) |
| (2.20) |
M2 >
F2 := RainichElectromagneticField(g2, R2, CR2, alpha2):
M2 >
F2 := simplify(F2) assuming t > 0, y > 0;
| (2.21) |
We check that the Einstein equations are satisfied (See EinsteinTensor, EnergyMomentumTensor).
M2 >
T2 := EnergyMomentumTensor("Electromagnetic", g2, F2);
| (2.22) |
M2 >
E2 := EinsteinTensor(g2);
| (2.23) |
| (2.24) |
We check that the Maxwell equations (see MatterFieldEquations)
are satisfied.
M2 >
MatterFieldEquations("Electromagnetic", g2, F2);
| (2.25) |