LieAlgebras[DynkinDiagram] - plot the Dynkin diagram for a given root type
Calling Sequences
DynkinDiagram(, )
RT - a string, denoting a root type "A", "B', "C", "D", "E", "F", "G"
- a positive integer
- optional, the integer 1 or 2
The Dynkin diagram is a graphic means of describing abstract root systems or, equivalently, of characterizing Cartan matrices. The command plots the Dynkin diagram for each root type , , , , , , , , .
For real Lie algebras, the Satake diagrams provide the counterpart to the Dynkin diagrams.
Example 1.
Here are the Dynkin diagrams for each classical root type of rank 6.
Example 2.
Here are the Dynkin diagrams for two of the exceptional root systems.
Example 3. For the exceptional roots systems there are two different conventions for the labelling of the roots. Either one can be plotted using the keyword argument . The default is