JetCalculus[GeneratingFunctionToContactVector] - find the contact vector field defined by a generating function
Calling Sequences
f - a Maple expression
Let J^1(R^n, R) be the space of 1-jets of a function from R^n to R with contact 1-form Cu = du - u_i dx^i. A vector field X on J^1(R^n, R) such that LieDerivative(X, Cu) = F Cu is called an infinitesimal contact transformation or contact vector field.
There is a formula which assigns to each real-valued function S on J^1(R^n, R) a contact vector field X. The function S is called the generating function for the contact vector field X. The explicit formula for X in terms of S is given for n = 1, 2, 3 in Example 1. The formula in the general case can be found in P. J. Olver, Equivalence, Invariants and Symmetry, page 131
The command GeneratingFunctionToContactVector(S) returns the contact vector field defined by the function S.
The command GeneratingFunctionToContactVector is part of the DifferentialGeometry:-JetCalculus package. It can be used in the form GeneratingFunctionToContactVector(...) only after executing the commands with(DifferentialGeometry) and with(JetCalculus), but can always be used by executing DifferentialGeometry:-JetCalculus:-GeneratingFunctionToContactVector(...).
Example 1.
The formula for the contact vector field in terms of the generating function with 1 independent variable.
J11 >
J11 >
| (2.1) |
The formula for the contact vector field in terms of the generating function with 2 independent variables.
J11 >
J21 >
J21 >
| (2.2) |
The formula for the contact vector field in terms of the generating function with 3 independent variables.
J21 >
J31 >
J31 >
| (2.3) |
Example 2.
We choose some specific generating functions and calculate the resulting contact vector fields.
J31 >
J21 >
J21 >
| (2.4) |
J21 >
J21 >
| (2.5) |
J21 >
J21 >
| (2.6) |
Example 3.
Check the properties of the vector field obtained from S = u[0, 1]^2.
J21 >
J21 >
| (2.7) |
X preserves the contact 1-form Cu[0, 0].
J21 >
| (2.8) |
X is the prolongation of its projection to the space of independent and dependent variables.
J21 >
| (2.9) |
J21 >
| (2.10) |
J21 >
| (2.11) |
J21 >
| (2.12) |
Example 4.
We use the commands GeneratingFunctionToContactVector and Flow to find a contact transformation.
J21 >
J21 >
| (2.13) |
J21 >
| (2.14) |
Check that Phi is a contact transformation.
J21 >
| (2.15) |
We note that Phi takes on a simple form for t = Pi/4 and that it linearizes the Monge-Ampere equation u[2, 0]*u[0, 2] - u[1, 1]^2 = 1.
J21 >
| (2.16) |
J21 >
| (2.17) |
J21 >
| (2.18) |
J21 >
| (2.19) |
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