DEtools[MeijerGsols] - solutions of a Meijer G type of linear ode
Calling Sequence
homogeneous linear differential equation
dependent variable of the lode
list of coefficients of a linear ode
independent variable of the lode
The MeijerGsols routine returns a basis of the space of solutions of a linear differential equation of Meijer G type.
The classical notation used to represent the MeijerG function relates to the notation used in Maple by
Note: See Prudnikov, Brychkov, and Marichev.
The MeijerG function satisfies the following qth-order linear differential equation
where and is less than or equal to q.
For example, MeijerG( [[a[1]],[a[p]]], [[b[1]],[b[q]]], x ) satisfies:
PDEtools[declare](y(x), prime=x);
| (1) |
DEtools[hyperode]( MeijerG( [[a[1]],[a[p]]], [[b[1]],[b[q]]], x ), y(x) ) = 0;
| (2) |
For information about making symbolic experiments with expressions that contain the MeijerG function of different arguments and the differential equation the expression satisfies, see dpolyform.
MeijerGsols accepts two calling sequences. The first argument of the first calling sequence is a linear differential equation in diff or form, and the second argument is the function in the differential equation.
The first argument in the second calling sequence is the list of coefficients of a linear ode, and the second is the independent variable. This calling sequence can be convenient for programming with the MeijerGsols routine.
This function is part of the DEtools package, and so it can be used in the form MeijerGsols(..) only after executing the command with(DEtools). However, it can always be accessed through the long form of the command by using DEtools[MeijerGsols](..).
| (3) |
| (4) |
These routines for tackling MeijerG type linear ODEs can also be used directly from Maple's dsolve via
| (5) |
| (6) |
| (7) |
![[x*hypergeom([(5/3)/b, (1/2)/b], [(1/4)*(4*b+3)/b, (1/3)*(3*b+2)/b], x^b/b), x^(1/4)*hypergeom([-(1/4)/b, (11/12)/b], [(1/4)*(4*b-3)/b, (1/12)*(12*b-1)/b], x^b/b), x^(1/3)*hypergeom([1/b, -(1/6)/b], [(1/3)*(3*b-2)/b, (1/12)*(12*b+1)/b], x^b/b)]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=8680/file01292/math212.png)
| (8) |
Prudnikov, A. P.; Brychkov, Yu; and Marichev, O. Integrals and Series. Gordon and Breach Science, 1990. Vol. 3: More Special Functions.
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