Finance[amortization] - amortization table for a loan
Calling Sequence
amortization(amount, payments, rate, nperiods)
amount of the loan
(number or procedure) size of the payments
interest rate
maximum number of payments (default = infinity). Stops when balance reaches 0
The result is a sequence of two elements: an amortization table and the cost of the loan.
The amortization table consists of lists comprising of 5 elements
1) The period number
2) The amount of the payment
3) The interest for the period
4) The amount by which the principal is reduced (increased if negative)
5) The new balance
The cost of the loan is the sum of the third column.
The payment can be a procedure. It will be called with two arguments: the period number and the interest to be paid. This can be used, for example to have increasing payments, or to pay down a fixed amount of principal at each period
Refer to Finance[annuity] for more details on mortgages. Refer to Finance[effectiverate] for selecting the appropriate value for the interest rate to be used.
The command with(Finance,amortization) allows the use of the abbreviated form of this command.
Since amortization used to be part of the (now deprecated) finance package, for compatibility with older worksheets, this command can also be called using finance[amortization]. However, it is recommended that you use the superseding package name, Finance instead: Finance[amortization].
The Finance[amortization] command was introduced in Maple 15.
Amortization table for a loan of 1000 U at interest rate of 10% per period with payments of 500 U
![[[0, 0, 0, -1000.00, 1000.00], [1, 500.00, 100.0000, 400.0000, 600.0000], [2, 500.00, 60.000000, 440.000000, 160.000000], [3, 176.0000000, 16.00000000, 160.0000000, 0.]], 176.0000000](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=8934/file01704/math148.png)
| (1) |
From this we see that there will be 3 payments, the last one being of 176 U. The cost of the loan is 176 U.
Now we make payments to be of 500 U + the interest for that period:
![[[0, 0, 0, -1000.00, 1000.00], [1, 600.0000, 100.0000, 500.0000, 500.0000], [2, 550.000000, 50.000000, 500.000000, 0.]], 150.000000](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=8934/file01704/math159.png)
| (2) |
There are now 2 payments, one of 600 U and one of 550 U. The cost of the loan is 150 U. Now we make quarterly payments of 150 U on a loan of 1000 U at a stated rate of 12%. The payments are increased yearly by 10 U. The amortization table is computed as follows:
![[[0, 0, 0, -1000.00, 1000.00], [1, 150.00, 31.37720250, 118.6227975, 881.3772025], [2, 150.00, 27.65515096, 122.3448490, 759.0323535], [3, 150.00, 23.81631186, 126.1836881, 632.8486654], [4, 150.00, 19.85702073, 130.1429793, 502.7056861], [5, 160.00, 15.77349811, 144.2265019, 358.4791842], [6, 160.00, 11.24807395, 148.7519260, 209.7272582], [7, 160.00, 6.580654650, 153.4193454, 56.3079128], [8, 58.0746976, 1.766784782, 56.3079128, 0.]], 138.0746974](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=8934/file01704/math172.png)
| (3) |
There were 8 payments altogether with a loan cost of 138 U. Obtaining just the first year, we make use of the fourth argument:
![[[0, 0, 0, -1000.00, 1000.00], [1, 150.00, 31.37720250, 118.6227975, 881.3772025], [2, 150.00, 27.65515096, 122.3448490, 759.0323535], [3, 150.00, 23.81631186, 126.1836881, 632.8486654], [4, 150.00, 19.85702073, 130.1429793, 502.7056861]], 102.7056860](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=8934/file01704/math181.png)
| (4) |
which indicates the cost of the loan at that point.
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