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LieDerivative - Maple Help
First we calculate the Lie derivative of a function f and note that it agrees with the directional derivative f.
LieDerivative - Maple Help
The Lie derivative is essentially the change in form of the derivand under transformations generated by the indexing vector field.
KostantCodifferential - Maple Help
... computed in terms of the Lie derivative operator. Description. Examples. Description. •. Let be a semi-simple Lie algebra and let be a representation space for ...
LieDerivative - Maple Help
LieDerivative calculate the Lie derivative of an algebraic expression, a ... is an algebraic expression then LieDerivative(X, vf) is the directional derivative ...
Lesson 4: Lie Brackets and Lie Derivatives - Maple Help
The Lie bracket of two vector fields is computed using the LieBracket command. Define 2 vector fields X and Y and compute their Lie bracket.
Lie - Maple Help
liesymm Lie the Lie derivative Calling Sequence Parameters Description Examples Calling Sequence Lie( form , V ) Parameters form - expression involving ...
InfinitesimalSymmetriesOfGeometricObjectFields - Maple Help
... Lie derivative equations and . These PDE are solved using pdsolve . •. If the (real) Lie algebra of infinitesimal symmetries for a given collection of ...
Lesson 5: ExteriorDerivative and deRham Homotopy - Maple Help
One of the most important formulas in differential geometry is the Cartan formula relating the Lie derivative of a differential form to its exterior derivative.
TensorBrackets - Maple Help
If is a type tensor field and is either symmetric or skew-symmetric, then , where is the Lie derivative along . 5. If and are symmetric and is a vector ...
Overview - Maple Help
... liesymm Package. Description. List of liesymm Package Commands. Examples. References. Description. • ... to compute the Lie derivative of an expression involving.