5 Mathematical Problem Solving - Maple Help
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5 Mathematical Problem Solving

This chapter focuses on solving problems in specific mathematical disciplines. The areas described below are not all that Maple provides, but represent the most commonly used packages. Examples are provided to teach you how to use the different methods of calculation available in Maple, including tutors, assistants, commands, task templates, plotting, and context-sensitive operations.


The examples in this chapter assume knowledge of entering commands and mathematical symbols. For information, see Entering Expressions. For information on basic computations, including integer operations and solving equations, see Basic Computations.

5.1 In This Chapter



Algebra - Performing algebra computations


Polynomial Algebra

Linear Algebra - Performing linear algebra computations


Creating Matrices and Vectors


Accessing Entries in Matrices and Vectors


Linear Algebra Computations


Student LinearAlgebra Package

 Calculus - Performing calculus computations










Differential Equations


Calculus Packages

Optimization - Performing optimization computations using the Optimization package


Point-and-Click Interface


Efficient Computation


MPS(X) File Support

Statistics - Performing statistics computations using the Statistics package


Probability Distributions and Random Variables


Statistical Computations



Teaching and Learning with Maple - Student and Instructor resources for using Maple in an academic setting


Student Packages and Tutors


Study Guides


Step by Step Solutions


More Student and Instructor Resources

Clickable MathTM - Solve math problems using some of the interactive methods available in Maple


Step-by-Step examples