Maple Professional
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Maple Student Edition
Maple Personal Edition
Maple Player
Maple Player for iPad
MapleSim Professional
MapleSim Academic
Maple T.A. - Testing & Assessment
Maple T.A. MAA Placement Test Suite
Möbius - Online Courseware
Machine Design / Industrial Automation
Vehicle Engineering
Power Industries
System Simulation and Analysis
Model development for HIL
Plant Modeling for Control Design
Robotics/Motion Control/Mechatronics
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Solving Problems in Scientific Computing Using Maple and MATLAB®, Fourth Edition W. Gander, J. Hrebicek 2004 Programming | Engineering
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equation Routines in C, C++, Fortran, Java, Maple, and MATLAB® H. J. Lee, W. E. Schiesser 2003 Differential Equations | Programming
Effective Working in Maple 6/7 V.Z. Aladjev 2002 Programming
Mathematical Computing: An Introduction to Programming Using Maple Mylan Redfern, David Betounes 2002 Numerical Analysis | Programming
Essential Maple 7: An Introduction for Scientific Programmers Robert M. Corless 2002 Programming | Maple Manuals
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